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Aesthetics Predictor

This repo shows examples of how to stream a subset of a large dataset using Direct Data Access (DDA).

Each training script (one for PyTorch and one for TensorFlow) expects a DagsHub Access Token to be in an environment variable named DAGSHUB_TOKEN. This should be set prior to training:

export DAGSHUB_TOKEN="..."

The scripts then read this token in and use it to authenticate:

import os
DAGSHUB_TOKEN = os.environ.get('DAGSHUB_TOKEN', None)

import dagshub

Once that's done, DDA can be set up with two lines of code:

from dagshub.streaming import install_hooks
install_hooks(project_root='.', repo_url='', branch='main')

PyTorch Dataset and DataLoader

The PyTorch version of the code uses a custom Dataset to stream the images and aesthetics scores from the LAION Aesthetics dataset.

The LAIONAestheticsDataset streams the annotations file, which includes the images names, captions, and aesthetics scores. It also relys on the EfficientNetFeatureExtractor to stream the images and extract the features.

Streaming happens automatically as the code uses the standard open() function to read the annotations file and the method to read the images. The installed hooks take care of all this transparently.

This code can be found in pytorch/

TensorFlow data generator

The TensorFlow data generator, LAIONAestheticsDataGenerator, also relies on an EfficientNetFeatureExtractor to stream the images via calls.

The annotations file is, however, streamed in the train_valid_split function, which determines ahead of time which samples belong to the training and validation sets.

This code can be found in tensorflow/


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