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Linh Le


Math Teacher aspiring to Data Science and Machine Learning.


Linh Le


Math Teacher aspiring to Data Science and Machine Learning.

Exploring pre-trained transformer model for named entity recognition on resumes

nlp tensorflow named entity recognition git github

Exploring pre-trained TF and Pytorch extractive question answering model

nlp tensorflow answer selection git github

Using TF Keras to implement an Attention model for date string translation

nlp tensorflow machine translation git github


Updated 4 months ago

Using TF Keras to implement a basic RNN and LSTM model to return a emoji sentiment for a given sentence.

nlp tensorflow sentiment analysis git github


Updated 4 months ago

Debiasing gender influences on Word2Vec embeddings

nlp tensorflow word embeddings git github

Using RNN built from scratch, a dinosaur name generator was programmed

nlp tensorflow text generation git github

Building an RNN from scratch in Jupyter

model git github


Updated 4 months ago

Using TF Keras to build a face recognition using architecture from FaceNet

computer vision tensorflow face recognition git github


Updated 4 months ago

Using TF Keras, a UNet Image Segmentation model was made.

computer vision image classification git github


Updated 4 months ago

Implemented object detection using YOLO model for front car camera.

computer vision tensorflow object detection git github

Using a MobileNetV2 previously trained on ImageNet dataset, an Alpaca Image Classifier is implemented using transfer learning.

computer vision tensorflow image classification git github

Using TF Keras to build ConvNets for two image classifications models.

computer vision tensorflow image classification git github


Updated 4 months ago

JHU-Data-Science-Capstone: Predictive Text Shiny App

nlp text generation git github

Building a ConvNet from scratch using NumPy

model computer vision git github

Building a neural network class with NumPy and implementing to make a deep NN cat classifier.

computer vision image classification git github

Implementing a ResNet50 model to classify the MINIST digits hand sign dataset

computer vision tensorflow image classification hand gesture recognition git github