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 Open Source Data Science Projects

Improve pet adoption: Open-source project to increase the chances for adoption using the cuteness of your pet.

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🤖💬 Transformer TTS: Implementation of a non-autoregressive Transformer based neural network for text to speech.

model audio speech enhancement

Showcasing DagsHub Annotations, Label Studio integration, Discussions, and other related features

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midsterx / Re-GANSpace

Updated 1 year ago

This repository is the reproduction of GANSpace: Discovering Interpretable GAN Controls in TensorFlow 1.x as a part of the ML Reproducibility Challenge 2021 (Spring Edition). The original implementation of the paper uses PyTorch. The accompanying reproducibility report and a summary of the results can be found in the wiki.

computer vision tensorflow text-to-image generation dvc git arxiv

A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.

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First deepclassification projects based on CNN

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Jigsaw Multilingual Toxic Comment Classification

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asheshd / pset2_cc

Updated 13 minutes ago

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mipo57 / dvc

Updated 15 minutes ago

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Thyroid Disease Prediction ML project

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