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Pranjusmrita Kalita fe926b25c3
updated README workflows
1 year ago
"updated dvc yaml"
1 year ago
added updated code from aridhia
1 year ago
added updated code from aridhia
1 year ago
added updated code from aridhia
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Merge branch 'main' into rachel
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added dvc files
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commit code from aridhia
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updated README workflows
1 year ago
commit code from aridhia
1 year ago
"updated dvc yaml"
1 year ago
Reformat with black
1 year ago
Storage Buckets
Data Pipeline
DVC Managed File
Git Managed File
Stage File
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Predicting students at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

Welcome to the code repository for the project conducted under Data Science for Social Good- UK 2022 (DSSGx UK), for our partner: Buckinghamshire Council. The repository will focus on documenting:

  1. Folder structure
  2. Assumptions
  3. Setting up a machine for running all the workflows
  4. How to run different workflows
  5. Expected data schema for Power BI dashboard

Folder Structure

@Vanshika - this should be written out in full sentences and explained


Assuming that the data provided by the user are of the following types:

  1. Attendance Attendance_Schema
  2. Census Census_Schema
  3. CCIS CCIS_Schema
  4. KS4 KS4_Schema

In addition, we want to allow data on characteristics and ks2. This has not been supported yet, but would fill in features we are passing to the model for training.

Points to remember:

  1. Please ensure files are in CSV format only
  2. Currently columns are renamed to snake_case. You may need to add more columns to the renaming dictionary if your columns have changed or are different. You can find the renaming dictionary in the src directory in the [TYPE] file where [TYPE] refers to whatever your data type is. Note ks2 and characteristics will not currently show up in there.
  3. We assume that the CCIS datasets have a month/year of birth column with numeric month and year values in the form [MONTH]/[YEAR]. We don't use the date of birth column. You can safely remove it if there is concern about data sensitivity.
  4. No column names can include "__"! This is a special reserved character for our code.

Setting up a machine for running all the workflows

This part will change slightly depending on what operating system you are using.

@Vanshika - please rewrite directions in backtick bash block (see below)


  1. Ensure you have an updated python installed on your machine. You can install it through the Microsoft Store. As of writing this, the most up to date version was python 3.10.
  2. Ensure you have git installed. You can get an installer here.
  3. Open a powershell as administrator and run the below steps:
> cd                                                                  # Navigate to the desired parent directory using this (change directory) command. 

> ls                                                                  # You can run this command to see the contents of a directory 

> git clone        # This will download the code repository to the current folder

> cd s22_buckinghamshire                                              # This navigates to the repository folder

> python -m venv venv                                                 # Creating a python virtual environment

> .\venv\Scripts\activate                                             # Running the virtual environment. 
                                                                      # If you get an error that says '... s22_buckinghamshire\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1'
                                                                      # cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information,
                                                                      # see about_Execution_Policies at 'https:/',
                                                                      # then we need to enable execution of signed scripts. 
                                                                      # We can do this by running 'Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser'.
> python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip                             # Update pip if necessary

> pip install -r .\requirements.txt                                   # Install required python packages

How to run different workflows

Downloading the synthetic data

We've published synthetic data (data that does not come from any real person) to dagshub so you can play around with the pipeline. To retrieve it, please run the following

dvc remote add origin
dvc pull -r origin

Please follow the below steps before running the workflows:

cd .\scripts\

@Vanshika - please write directions like below

Run the whole pipeline

To run the whole pipeline you can just run:

dvc repro

Alternatively, you could run the individual steps:

  # Generate datasets for modelling
  dvc repro -s --glob generate_modeling_*

  # Run cross validation and hyper parameter search 
  dvc repro -s --glob cv_*

  # Model Evaluation 
  dvc repro -s --glob evaluate_model_* 

  # Generate datasets for predictions and final output 
  dvc repro -s --glob prediction_* 

Run the prediction using a model trained on older data

  # Generate datasets for modelling
  dvc repro -s --glob generate_modeling_*          
  # Model Evaluation 
  dvc repro -s --glob evaluate_model_*                        
  # Generate datasets for predictions and final output
  dvc repro --glob prediction_* 

Run the old model with new data

  # Generate datasets for modelling
  dvc repro -s --glob generate_modeling_*          
  # Retrain model 
  dvc repro --glob retrain_*
  # Model Evaluation 
  dvc repro -s --glob evaluate_model_*                        
  # Generate datasets for predictions and final output
  dvc repro --glob prediction_* 

Below is a brief overview of what each stage within a workflow is doing:

Generate datasets for modelling

  • Merges each dataset (eg: Census, Attendance,etc) across all the years
  • Split categorical variables into binary columns containing 0's or 1's
  • Drop columns which aren't required for modelling or for which we won't have data available before Year 11
  • Output two datasets ready for modelling:
    • Only unique students (UPNs)
    • A student having multiple observations

Run cross validation and hyper parameter search

  • Searches for the best model parameters. Please note you can opt out of running this step if you want.

Retrain Model

  • Re-trains the model with the new incoming data and outputs model with best performance

Model Evaluation

  • Evaluates RONI tool's performance
  • Retrains and saves model with best threshold
  • Apply the chosen model on the test data

Generate datasets for predictions and final output

  • Creates datasets required for final predictions
  • Executes model on unseen data and generates final predictions in form of a CSV
  • Generates feature importance
  • Returns RONI score
  • Returns scaled probability scores for a student at risk of becoming NEET (between 1-10)

@Vanshika - we need directions on how to rerun the hyperparameter search from a checkpoint. To do this, the user has to change the LOAD_CHECKPOINTS value in the params.yaml file to true. When they rerun the pipeline with new data, they should set this to false otherwise it will use an old checkpoint for new data.

Expected data schema for Power BI dashboard:

The Measures table(named as Measures_table) contains some measured valued we need to display on powerBI visualisations. We can easily create new measure in PowerBI. You will need to implement these measures (name and formula are given):

  1. Att<85%
  • Att<85% = SUM(fake_test_dataset[att_less_than_85])/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  1. HighRisk
  • HighRisk = SUM(fake_test_dataset[predictions])/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  1. LevelOfNeed_2%
  • LevelOfNeed_2% = SUM(fake_test_dataset[level_of_need_code_2])/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  1. MentalHealth%
  • MentalHealth% = SUM(fake_test_dataset[characteristic_code_210])*100/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  1. Pregnant/Parent%
  • Pregnant/Parent% = SUM(fake_test_dataset[Parent/Preg%])/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  1. SEND%
  • SEND% = SUM(fake_test_dataset[send_flag])/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  1. SupByYOT%
  • SupByYOT% = SUM(fake_test_dataset[characteristic_code_170])/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  1. unidentified%
  • unidentified% = DISTINCTCOUNT(Unidentified[UPN])*100/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])

We also need to create few new columns for PowerBI. These are as follows along with the formula:

  1. Column Name: MentalHealthFlag

    • File: desens_sdv__neet_annotated
    • Formula: MentalHealthFlag = if(desens_sdv_neet_annotated[characteristic_code]="210",1,0)
  2. Column Name: Age

    • File: fake_test_dataset
    • Formula: “The Council will have to map and fill the ages”
  3. Column Name: Attendance%

    • File: fake_test_dataset
    • Formula: Attendance% = (1-fake_test_dataset[total_absences])*100
  4. Column Name: Gender

    • File: fake_test_dataset
    • Formula: Gender = IF(fake_test_dataset[gender_f]==1, "F","M")
  5. Column Name: Parent/Preg%

    • File: fake_test_dataset
    • Formula: Parent/Preg% = IF(OR(fake_test_dataset[characteristic_code_120]==1, fake_test_dataset[characteristic_code_180]==1), 1, 0)
  6. Column Name: Gender

    • File: unknowns_prediction
    • Formula: Gender = IF(unknowns_prediction[gender_m]==1, "M","F")

NOTE: replace fake_test_dataset with the actual file name which contains the predictions

@Vanshika this should not be in the final product

Some initial notes as we move towards a README:

  1. We are now assuming that the user provides all the data they have of the following 4 types:
  2. Attendance
  3. Census
  4. CCIS
  5. KS4

In addition, we want to allow data on characteristics and ks2. This has not been supported yet, but would fill in features we are passing to the model for training. 2. If files come in as excel (.xlsx), they must be one sheet per file. We do not support multiple sheets per excel file. It may just be easier to export your files directly as CSV. 3. Currently columns are renamed to snake_case. You may need to add more columns to the renaming dictionary if your columns have changed or are different. You can find the renaming dictionary in the src directory in the [TYPE] file where [TYPE] refers to whatever your data type is. Note ks2 and characteristics will not currently show up in there. 4. We assume that the CCIS datasets have a month/year of birth column with numeric month and year values in the form [MONTH]/[YEAR]. We don't use the date of birth column. You can safely remove it if there is concern about data sensitivity.

NOTE: No column names can include "__"! This is a special reserved character for our code.

TODO for presentation

  • Setup a python venv
  • Install dvc - install from pip requirements
  • Workflows:
    • Run the whole pipeline
    • Run the train w/ old best params
    • Run the old model with new data
  • Include links from government dataset.
  • list of names of all files that they need.
    • prediction dataset
    • unknown predictions
    • unidentifiied students
    • annotated_ccis_data
    • annotated_census_data
      • merge with annotated_ccis_data?

Press p or to see the previous file or, n or to see the next file


DSSGx-UK 2022 Buckinghamshire Project

Collaborators 2

