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1 year ago
added details about new data
1 year ago
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1 year ago
removed unnecessary result.s from running on synthetic
1 year ago
added support for ks2
1 year ago
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
added support for ks2
1 year ago
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Predicting students at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

Welcome to the code repository for the project conducted under Data Science for Social Good- UK 2022 (DSSGx UK), for our partner: Buckinghamshire Council. The aim of the project was to identify students, before Year 11, at risk of becoming NEET after they complete their GCSEs. This readme will focus on documenting:

  1. Folder structure
  2. Assumptions
  3. Setting up a machine for running all the workflows
  4. How to run different workflows
  5. Expected data schema for Power BI dashboard

Folder Structure

├── .dvc
│   ├── .gitignore                                         
│   └── .config                              # links to the dagshub repo
├── communications
│   ├──            
│   ├──                                           
├── data		                                 
│   └── interim	                             # stores canonicalised, annotated and merged csv files
│   │   ├── attendance_canonicalized_csv
│   │   │   ├── .gitignore
│   │   ├── ccis_canonicalized_csv
│   │   │   ├── .gitignore
│   │   ├── census_canonicalized_csv
│   │   │   ├── .gitignore
│   │   ├── ks4_canonicalized_csv
│   │   │   ├── .gitignore
|   |   └── .gitignore
|   └── processed
|   |   └── .gitignore
|   └── raw                                  # stores the original files, won't appear until you pull synthetic data
│   │   ├── attendance_original_csv
│   │   ├── ccis_original_csv
│   │   ├── census_original_csv
│   │   ├── ks4_original_csv
│   ├── raw.dvc
|   └── .gitignore
├── example_data		                         # Example data to check schema
│   └───raw
│   │   ├───secondary_schools_original.csv
│   │   ├───attendance_original_csv
│   │   │   ├── attendance_original_jan15.csv
│   │   │   ├── attendance_original_jan22.csv
│   │   │   ├── attendance_original_may15.csv
│   │   │   ├── attendance_original_may22.csv
│   │   │   ├── attendance_original_oct15.csv
│   │   │   └── attendance_original_oct21.csv
│   │   ├───ccis_original_csv
│   │   │   ├── ccis_original_mar16.csv
│   │   │   └── ccis_original_mar22.csv
│   │   ├───census_original_csv
│   │   │   ├── census_original_jan17.csv
│   │   │   └── census_original_jan22.csv
│   │   ├───characteristics_original_csv
│   │   │   └── characteristics_original_mar22.csv
│   │   ├───ks2_original_csv
│   │   │   └── ks2_original_sep20.csv
│   │   ├───ks4_original_csv
│   │   │   ├── ks4_original_sep15.csv
│   └── └── └── ks4_original_sep20.csv
├── logs
│   └── .gitignore
├── metrics                     # contains metrics and results related values
│   ├──lgbm1_single.csv         # We've kept this one preloaded
│   ├──lgbm2_single.csv         # Gets created when you run the hyperparam search
├── models
│   ├── final                           # final model for prediction
│   │   ├── model_single.pkl            # Gets created when you retrain the model
│   └── interim
├── notebooks                           
│   ├── convert_synthetic.ipynb                                         
│   └── view_csv.ipynb
├── plots                              # stores different plots and charts
│   ├──attendance_percent_box_plot.png
│   ├──common_neet_traces.png
│   ├──consequent_antecedent.png
│   ├──lgb1_feature_importance.png
│   ├──neet_cons_ante.png
│   ├──neet_infrequent_traces.png
│   ├──neet_process_map_97.html
│   ├──not_known_common_traces.png
│   ├──not_known_proess_map_98.html
│   ├──notknown_consequent_antecedent.png
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──pipline.png
│   ├──process_map.html
│   ├──roni_catch_model_miss_feature_importance.png
│   ├──sankey.png
│   ├──sankey_debug.png
│   ├──sankey_eet.png
│   ├──sankey_full.png
│   ├──sankey_neet.png
│   ├──sankey_unknown.png                                     
│   └── unknown_infrequent_traces.png   
├── results
│   ├── .gitignore                                         
├── scripts                       #python code files for different purposes
│   ├── data    
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
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│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   |   └──
│   ├── misc  
│   │   ├── .Rhistory
│   │   ├── bupar-analysis.r
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   ├── model
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   ├── dvc.lock
│   ├── dvc.yaml
│   ├──
│   └── params.yaml
├── src
│   ├── constants
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   ├── cv
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   ├── params
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
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│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
├── tests
│   ├── scripts/data
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   ├── src
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   └── .gitignore
├── .dvcignore
├── .gitignore
├── requirements.R
├── requirements.txt

Brief folder description

data : This folder contains two sub-folders : interim and raw. After running the pipeline an additional processed folder will also be present. The original dataset files are stored in their dataset sub-folder within the raw folder e.g. raw/attendance_original_csv will contain the original csv files for attendance datasets. These original files will go through the data pipeline and will generate additional files which will be canonicalized (standardised formatting), annotated and merged across years, which will be stored in interim sub-folder. The processed subfolder will contain the final datasets ready to be used for modeling.

metrics : This folder contains outputs from the hyperparameter search (lgbm1_single.csv), roni tool performance results (roni_test_results.csv) and our model performance results (single_test_results.csv) on the test dataset.

models : This folder contains pickle files of the models. There are two sub-folders: interim and final. interim holds the checkpoints. You can find more details about these in the Reloading the hyperparameter search from a checkpoint section. The final, retrained best model can be found in models/final/model_single.pkl.

results : After running the pipeline, this folder will contain the final output CSV files: predictions.csv, unknown_predictions.csv, unidentified_students_single.csv, unidentified_unknowns_single.csv. These files are outlined in more detail below under Outputs from running the pipeline

scripts : This folder contains the dvc.yaml file that outlines the different stages and steps of the pipeline. It also includes two main sub-folders: data and model. The data sub-folder contains python scripts that prepare the interim datasets and final datasets used for modeling. The model sub-folder contains scripts that split the final dataset into train and test datasets, runs the cross-validation and hyperparameter search, re-trains the model, calculates roni scores and uses the trained model to generate predictions for current/unknown students.

src : This folder contains helper functions (found in the * scripts) and also contains scripts that can set different parameters. There are three sub-folders: constants, cv and params. The cv sub-folder contains helper functions for the cross-validation and hyper-parameter search stage. It also contains dictionaries of the hyper-parameter search spaces in The constants folder contains parameters for the pipeline that are unlikely to need to change, whereas the params sub-folder contains parameters for the pipeline that may need/want to be changed. The * scripts in this sub-folder include the arguments that are sent to the dvc.yaml pipeline.


Assuming that the data provided by the user are of the following types:

  1. Attendance Attendance_Schema
  2. Census Census_Schema
  3. CCIS CCIS_Schema
  4. KS4 KS4_Schema

In addition, we allow data on characteristics and ks2, since these can be used as features for the model before the student enters year 11.

Points to remember:

  1. Please ensure files are in CSV format only
  2. Currently columns are renamed to snake_case (lowercase with spaces as _). We suggest first you try to make your column names match the schemas in the example_data/raw folder. If you instead want to change the columns the code can process, you'll need to add entries to the renaming dictionary. You can find the renaming dictionary in the src/constants/[TYPE] file where [TYPE] refers to whatever your data type is. The ks2 renaming dictionary is in src/constants/ and the characteristics renaming dictionary is the same as the CCIS renaming dictionary in src/constants/ After renaming columns please run python ./ from your scripts folder. See Chaning Any Other Parameters for more details on how to do this.
  3. We assume that the CCIS datasets have a month/year of birth column with numeric month and year values in the form [MONTH]/[YEAR]. We don't use the date of birth column. You can safely remove it if there is concern about data sensitivity.
  4. No column names can include "__"! This is a special reserved character for our code.

Setting up a machine for running all the workflows

This part will change slightly depending on what operating system you are using.


  1. Ensure you have an updated python installed on your machine. You can install it through the Microsoft Store. As of writing this, the most up to date version was python 3.10.
  2. Ensure you have git installed. You can get an installer here.
  3. Open a powershell (as administrator if possible) and run the below steps:
> cd [DESIRED_PARENT_DIRECTORY]                                       # Navigate to the desired parent directory using
                                                                      # this (change directory) command. Fill in
                                                                      # [DESIRED_PARENT_DIRECTORY] with your desired 
                                                                      # directory.

> ls                                                                  # You can run this command to see the contents 
                                                                      # of a directory 

> git clone        # This will download the code repository to the
                                                                      # current folder

> cd s22_buckinghamshire                                              # This navigates to the repository folder

> python -m venv venv                                                 # Creating a python virtual environment

> .\venv\Scripts\activate                                             # Running the virtual environment. 
                                                                      # If you get an error that says '... 
                                                                      # s22_buckinghamshire\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1'
                                                                      # cannot be loaded because running scripts is 
                                                                      # disabled on this system. For more information,
                                                                      # see about_Execution_Policies at 'https:/go.
                                                                      # then we need to enable execution of signed 
                                                                      # scripts. 
# Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser                 # We can do this by running the command to the
                                                                      # left without the #. You may need
                                                                      # administrator privelages to do this.
> python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip                             # Update pip if necessary

> python.exe -m pip install -r .\requirements.txt                     # Install required python packages

> dvc config --system false                            # Turn off DVC anonymized analytics

Mac or Linux

  1. Ensure you have an updated python installed on your machine. For Mac, you can find the python installer at For Linux, you can find the installer here
  2. Ensure you have git installed. For Mac, ou can get an installer here. For Linux, you can find directions for installing here
  3. Open a terminal and run the below steps:
> cd [DESIRED_PARENT_DIRECTORY]                                       # Navigate to the desired parent directory using
                                                                      # this (change directory) command. Fill in
                                                                      # [DESIRED_PARENT_DIRECTORY] with your desired 
                                                                      # directory.

> ls                                                                  # You can run this command to see the contents 
                                                                      # of a directory

> git clone        # This will download the code repository to the
                                                                      # current folder

> cd s22_buckinghamshire                                              # This navigates to the repository folder

> python -m venv venv                                                 # Creating a python virtual environment

> source .\venv\Scripts\activate                                      # Running the virtual environment. 
> pip install --upgrade pip                                           # Update pip if necessary

> pip install -r .\requirements.txt                                   # Install required python packages

> dvc config --system false                            # Turn off DVC anonymized analytics

How to run different workflows

Connecting Data

Downloading the synthetic data

We've published synthetic data to dagshub so you can play around with the pipeline. This data is randomly generated and any unique IDs are random strings.

To retrieve it, please run the following

dvc remote add origin -f
dvc pull -r origin

Using your own data

If you are a council with your own data, these datasets will need to be saved in the data/raw directory as csv files in the correct formats with the correct column names.

Before adding your data, please run the steps above to get the synthetic data. Then run the following steps


cd data/raw
dvc remove remove origin                                  # Run this without # if you downloaded the synthetic data
Get-ChildItem * -Include *.csv -Recurse | Remove-Item     # Run this without # to remove any synthetic data have
                                                          # Please note this deletes all csv files in `data/raw`
Get-ChildItem * -Include *.csv.dvc -Recurse | Remove-Item # This deletes the dvc tracking files for the synthetic data

Linux or Mac

cd data/raw
dvc remove remove origin          # Run this without # if you downloaded the synthetic data
rm **/*.csv && rm *.csv           # Run this without # to remove any synthetic data have
                                  # Please note this deletes all csv files in `data/raw`
rm **/*.csv.dvc && rm *.csv.dvc   # This deletes the dvc tracking files for the synthetic data

For an example of what the schema of the datasets and folder structure should look like, we've kept snippets of synthetic data for you to compare against in the example_data/raw folder.

Within the data/raw directory are 6 folders that correspond to the different datasets listed above under Assumptions:

  • attendance_original_csv
  • ccis_original_csv
  • census_original_csv
  • ks4_original_csv
  • characteristics_original_csv
  • ks2_original_csv

The datasets in these directories should be named [TYPE]_original_[DATE].csv where [TYPE] refers to the dataset (attendance, ccis, census, ks4, characteristics, ks2) and [DATE] refers to the month and year the dataset was submitted (e.g. attendance_original_jan21.csv corresponds to autumn 2021 attendance data, which is submitted in January). [DATE] should be written as the first 3 letters of the month and the last 2 digits of the year e.g. jan21, sep19.

In addition you should add a csv file called data/raw/secondary_schools_original.csv, so the code knows what schools the establishment numbers in the data correspond to. See the file in example_data/raw for how your csv should look.

Once you've added your data to the data/raw folder, you should be good to go.

Adding data from new years

You may want to incorporate more data from later years as you collect it. Simply follow the procedure outlined above, and the pipeline will pick it up.

Adding New Columns

We currently do not support addition of new columns for modeling. The code should work fine if you add new columns but it will not use them in modeling.

Running the code

Please follow the below steps before running the workflows:

cd .\scripts\

Run the whole pipeline

To run the whole pipeline you can run:

dvc repro

(This will include a hyper parameter search which can take a few hours to run)

Alternatively, you could run the steps individually:

  # Generate datasets for modelling
  dvc repro -s --glob generate_modeling_*

  # Run cross validation and hyper parameter search 
  dvc repro -s --glob cv_*

  # Model Evaluation 
  dvc repro -s --glob model_evaluation_* 

  # Generate datasets for predictions and final output 
  dvc repro -s --glob prediction_* 

Following these steps re-trains the model with new data using the previous best hyper-parameters.

  # Generate datasets for modelling
  dvc repro -s --glob generate_modeling_*          

  # Model Evaluation 
  dvc repro -s --glob model_evaluation_*                        

  # Generate datasets for predictions and final output
  dvc repro --glob prediction_* 

Below is a brief overview of what each stage within a workflow is doing:

Generate datasets for modelling

  • Merges each dataset (eg: Census, Attendance, etc) across all the years
  • Split categorical variables into binary columns containing 0's or 1's
  • Drop columns which aren't required for modelling or for which we won't have data available before Year 11
  • Output two datasets ready for modelling:
    • Only unique students (UPNs)
    • A student having multiple observations across different years

Run cross validation and hyper parameter search

  • Searches for the best model parameters. Please note you can opt out of running this step.
  • This search includes checkpoints. To rerun the hyperparameter search from a checkpoint:
    • Change the LOAD_CHECKPOINTS value in scripts/params.yaml to True.
  • When re-running the search with new data, ensure the LOAD_CHECKPOINTS value is set to False (otherwise an old checkpoint will be used for the new data).

Model Evaluation

  • Evaluates RONI tool's performance
  • Retrains model with new incoming data and saves model with best threshold
  • Apply the chosen model on the test data to output a final model performance score

Generate datasets for predictions and final output

  • Creates datasets with current Year 7-10 students and students with unknown destinations to predict on
  • Executes model on unseen data and generates final predictions in form of a CSV
  • Generates feature importance
  • Returns RONI score
  • Returns scaled probability scores for a student at risk of becoming NEET (between 1-10)

Reloading the hyperparameter search from a checkpoint

Because the hyperparameter search takes a long time, we have built support for checkpoint progress. If for some reason the run does not complete, you can pick it up from where it left off rather than restarting it. To do this you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Open src/params/
  2. Find the variable LOAD_CHECKPOINTS. Change its value to True.
  3. From the scripts folder (you may already be there if you were running the pipeline), run python This will register the change in parameters for the pipeline.
  4. Rerun the cross validation search with dvc repro -s --glob cv_*.

Please make sure to reset LOAD_CHECKPOINTS to False (and rerun python when you want to research for hyperparameter with new data. Otherwise the search will use the old checkpoint and not rerun.

Changing any other parameters

If you feel comfortable with diving into the code and wish to change additional parameters, you need to do the following:

  1. Change the parameters in any of the python files in src/params.
  2. Rerun python from the scripts folder.

If you do not complete step (2) the pipeline will not register your changes.

Outputs from running the pipeline

These files can be found in the results/ directory after running the pipeline.

  • predictions.csv: Dataset used for modeling with additional columns containing predictions and probabilities for current students in Year 7-10
  • unknown_predictions.csv: Dataset used for modeling with additional columns containing predictions and probabilities for students with unknown destinations
  • unidentified_students_single.csv: List of school students that had too much missing data and could not be used in the model
  • unidentified_unknowns_single.csv: List of students with unknown destinations that had too much missing data and could not be used in the model

Expected data schema for Power BI dashboard:

The datasets to be loaded into the Power BI dahsboard after running the pipeline are found here:

  • results/predictions.csv
  • results/unknown_predictions.csv
  • results/unidentified_students_single.csv
  • data/interim/neet_annotated.csv
  • data/interim/census_annotated.csv
  • data/interim/attendance_exact.csv

The first two contain predictions for current school students in Years 7-10 and for current unknown students, respectively. unidentified_students_single.csv contains unidentified current school students for which predictions could not be generated due to too much missing data. The final three files found in the data/interim folder contain neet, census and attendance data from previous years of students. These three datasets are for a separate page of the power bi dashboard that looks at certain factor trends over the years.

The Measures table(named as Measures_table) contains some measured valued we need to display on powerBI visualisations. We can easily create new measure in PowerBI. You will need to implement these measures (name and formula are given):

  1. Att<85%

    • Att<85% = SUM(fake_test_dataset[att_less_than_85])/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  2. HighRisk

    • HighRisk = SUM(fake_test_dataset[predictions])/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  3. LevelOfNeed_2%

    • LevelOfNeed_2% = SUM(fake_test_dataset[level_of_need_code_2])/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  4. MentalHealth%

    • MentalHealth% = SUM(fake_test_dataset[characteristic_code_210])*100/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  5. Pregnant/Parent%

    • Pregnant/Parent% = SUM(fake_test_dataset[Parent/Preg%])/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  6. SEND%

    • SEND% = SUM(fake_test_dataset[send_flag])/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  7. SupByYOT%

    • SupByYOT% = SUM(fake_test_dataset[characteristic_code_170])/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])
  8. unidentified%

    • unidentified% = DISTINCTCOUNT(Unidentified[UPN])*100/DISTINCTCOUNT(fake_test_dataset[upn])

We also need to create few new columns for PowerBI. These are as follows along with the formula:

  1. Column Name: MentalHealthFlag

    • File: desens_sdv__neet_annotated
    • Formula: MentalHealthFlag = if(desens_sdv_neet_annotated[characteristic_code]="210",1,0)
  2. Column Name: Age

    • File: fake_test_dataset
    • Formula: “The Council will have to map and fill the ages”
  3. Column Name: Attendance%

    • File: fake_test_dataset
    • Formula: Attendance% = (1-fake_test_dataset[total_absences])*100
  4. Column Name: Gender

    • File: fake_test_dataset
    • Formula: Gender = IF(fake_test_dataset[gender_f]==1, "F","M")
  5. Column Name: Parent/Preg%

    • File: fake_test_dataset
    • Formula: Parent/Preg% = IF(OR(fake_test_dataset[characteristic_code_120]==1, fake_test_dataset[characteristic_code_180]==1), 1, 0)
  6. Column Name: Gender

    • File: unknowns_prediction
    • Formula: Gender = IF(unknowns_prediction[gender_m]==1, "M","F")

NOTE: replace fake_test_dataset with the actual file name which contains the predictions

@Vanshika this should not be in the final product


Press p or to see the previous file or, n or to see the next file


DSSGx-UK 2022 Buckinghamshire Project

Collaborators 2

