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 Open Source Data Science Models

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This repository is the official re-implementation of Panoptic-DeepLab: A Simple, Strong, and Fast Baseline for Bottom-Up Panoptic Segmentation.

model computer vision panoptic segmentation dvc git mlflow github aws s3 arxiv

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ncar-cesm-lens-dataset is originate from the Registry of Open Data on AWS

dataset model git aws s3

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wrf-cmip6-dataset is originate from the Registry of Open Data on AWS

dataset model git aws s3

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cmip6-dataset is originate from the Registry of Open Data on AWS

dataset model git aws s3

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ncar-na-cordex-dataset is originate from the Registry of Open Data on AWS

dataset model git aws s3

Path: .

nex-gddp-cmip6-dataset is originate from the Registry of Open Data on AWS

dataset model git aws s3

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ncar-cesm2-lens-dataset is originate from the Registry of Open Data on AWS

dataset model git aws s3

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oedi-data-lake-dataset is originate from the Registry of Open Data on AWS

dataset model git aws s3

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silo-dataset is originate from the Registry of Open Data on AWS

dataset model git aws s3

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arpa-e-perform-dataset is originate from the Registry of Open Data on AWS

dataset model git aws s3

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noaa-bathymetry-dataset is originate from the Registry of Open Data on AWS

dataset model git aws s3

Path: .

ncar-cesm2-arise-dataset is originate from the Registry of Open Data on AWS

dataset model git aws s3